Ryan ChurchillRyan, is first and foremost a lover of God's Word. While working on his master's degree, he co-led a small group Bible study where he often found himself tweaking lesson plans and writing supplemental lessons to "fill in the gaps" on pre-packaged Bible studies. Curious by nature and a teacher at heart, Ryan set out on a path to quench his desire for deeper understanding about the Bible and a way to share his findings with others. What he found was a deeper personal relationship with the Living God and a true identity in Jesus Christ.
In everything Ryan writes his aim and passion is to encourage others to read God's Word as a pathway to worship and intimacy with their Creator. His methodology is designed to open your heart and mind to the invitation of the Holy Spirit to lead you, guide you, and commune with you through this study. Ryan's heart is to teach others to engage Scripture with a new lens so they can see themselves through their Father's eyes, through the eyes of covenant. In writing each chapter/lesson of The Covenants, Christ, and You Ryan entered the topics with an open mind and open heart. Understanding that bias is a natural effect of prior knowledge, he wrestled with ideas, striving to take nothing for granted. Ryan’s pathway to worship is God’s Word. The months of developing The Covenants, Christ, and You were filled with moments of incredible worship as God revealed Himself, His Word, and His Truth to a guy sitting at his computer (and iPad), studying and praying over Scripture, and staring at a word processing program. To God alone . . . Glory! |
For the next several months, Ryan will be writing a bi-weekly column titled "Bible Study To GO!" for Team Jesus Magazine. You can be kept up-to-date with his latest publications by going to teamjesusmag.com. Articles will eventually make it to this site as blog posts.